SCnorm - Normalization of single cell RNA-seq data
This package implements SCnorm — a method to normalize single-cell RNA-seq data.
Last updated 2 months ago
8.46 score 47 stars 76 scripts 286 downloadsTrendy - Breakpoint analysis of time-course expression data
Trendy implements segmented (or breakpoint) regression models to estimate breakpoints which represent changes in expression for each feature/gene in high throughput data with ordered conditions.
Last updated 2 months ago
6.53 score 6 stars 14 scripts 212 downloadsmethylscaper - Visualization of Methylation Data
methylscaper is an R package for processing and visualizing data jointly profiling methylation and chromatin accessibility (MAPit, NOMe-seq, scNMT-seq, nanoNOMe, etc.). The package supports both single-cell and single-molecule data, and a common interface for jointly visualizing both data types through the generation of ordered representational methylation-state matrices. The Shiny app allows for an interactive seriation process of refinement and re-weighting that optimally orders the cells or DNA molecules to discover methylation patterns and nucleosome positioning.
Last updated 2 months ago
5.20 score 2 stars 3 scripts 190 downloads